EAV mainstays Warm Red have shared the video for their latest single, “Comes Out,” featuring the quartet in dirty wrestling singlets duking it out for sweaty dominance. There’s a certain late summer vibe to the whole affair, in particular a vaseline-y filter that gives the video a Black Snake Moan vibe. The crew pulls up to the function, cold ones in hand and ready to rumble. Amid shots of knee-biting and backbreakers, Toni’s squirmy vocals find sonic holes to escape, crawling between crushing post-punk guitar, sounding both teasing and frenzied at once. There’s a humor to it, and anyone whose seen Warm Red live (which is most likely anyone who has been to a local show in the last 2 years) will notice how well their signature energy translates to video.
Atlanta’s music scene has recently taken major blows, with the Sound Table shuttering after a wave of closures hitting the Music Room, the Bakery, and Mother. Moments as desperate as these are when DIY tends to shine—acts of similar caliber exist on the margins, and the fight to have a space keeps our community bound as tight as it is. Because of this, “Comes Out” feels like a balm, coquettish single in our time of greatest need. We salute Warm Red for their dedication to lively fun.
The moral of the story is simple: go beat up your friends. You’ll feel better. It’s all we have left. Nothing says radical summer like piledriving one of the boys right out the ring. Forget your bleak remote office job and bust a lip.
Decades of Breakfast (Released Oct. 1 on State Laughter Records) is currently available on all platforms. All proceeds from their Bandcamp sales go directly to Snap4Freedom.